Let the soundwaves transport you to a place of relaxation and peace!
During this experience Meditation Teacher & singing bowl specialist, Anthony Profeta will use Himalayan Singing bowls, Crystal Singing Bowls, tuning forks, and other vibrational tools to de-stress, restore balance, and bring well-being to your body, mind, & soul. If you are new to a Sound Bath Meditation, it is a very therapeutic form of meditation because as sound waves wash over your body, they move the brain into the more relaxed alpha & theta brainwave states. Sound meditations are wonderful for all types of meditators but are especially good for beginners because the tones & frequencies of the instruments give the mind something to hold onto and help cut through the mental chatter and quiet your mind.
Bring your mat, favorite blanket and pillow.
About the Instructor:
Anthony Profeta is a former medical student turned internationally-renowned certified meditation teacher, mindfulness expert, & singing bowl specialist. He has been intensely studying the art of meditation for over two decades in monasteries and meditation centers of the US, Nepal, Italy & India. He has also been blessed to be guided & mentored by many of today’s meditation masters such as Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and the Dalai Lama.
A “Sound Bath Meditation” is a very therapeutic form of meditation because you’re literally being “bathed” in sound waves. And as they “wash over your body”, they help guide you into a more relaxed, calm, and peaceful state by shifting you into the alpha & theta brainwave states.
Event Date & Time
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Alexander Discovery Center
$25 members/ $42 non-members (includes admission)
Registration required