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Sound Bath with Crystal Singing Bowls

During the session, Himalayan & Crystal Singing Bowls, tuning forks, and other vibrational tools are used to de-stress, restore balance, and bring well-being to your body, mind & soul.

Bring your mat or favorite blanket and pillow.

About the Instructor:
Anthony Profeta is a former medical student turned internationally-renown certified meditation teacher, mindfulness expert, & singing bowl specialist. He has been intensely studying the art of meditation for over two decades in monasteries and meditation centers of the US, Nepal, Italy & India. He has also been blessed to be guided & mentored by many of today’s meditation masters such as Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and the Dalai Lama.
A “Sound Bath Meditation” is a very therapeutic form of meditation because you’re literally being “bathed” in sound waves. And as they “wash over your body”, they help guide you into a more relaxed, calm, and peaceful state by shifting you into the alpha & theta brainwave states.

Event Date & Time

Thursday, August 3, 2023
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.


Alexander Discovery Center


$25 members/ $35 non-members (includes admission)
Registration required

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Please Note:

To assist Bok Tower Gardens with the rising costs of online transactions, a small processing fee is required for to confirm your registration.

Ticket price includes general admission to the Gardens. Tickets are available for purchase at boktower.org, in person at the Visitor Center or by phone at 863-734-1222. All programs and classes promptly begin at stated time and visitors are encouraged to arrive at least 10 minutes before class begins for check-in. Check-in begins 30 minutes prior to the class start time. Culinary events are demonstration based and late arrivals may not be accommodated. For classes held after 5 pm, the entrance gate will stay open for an additional 30 minutes after the start time. Once the gate closes, late arrivals will not be admitted. Due to the nature of culinary events held at the Outdoor Kitchen, Bok Tower Garden may attempt, but cannot guarantee, to accommodate food allergies. Dogs are not permitted at any educational program.