Event Date & Time
Friday, March 19, 2022
1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Included with general admission or membership
The Program
“A Perfect Day”
I Woke Up …
Morning Has Broken (“Bunessan”, 18th Century)
Gaelic Hymn,
arr. M. Halsted
Try to Remember (The Fantasticks, 1960)
Harvey Schmidt (1929-2018)
arr. R. Giszczak
Yesterday (1965)
Paul McCartney (b. 1942)
arr. W. Crawford
Perfect Day (1972)
Lou Reed (1942-2013)
arr. Sj. Tamminga
I Went To A Recital Of French Music
Gymnopédie No.1 (1888)
Erik Satie (1866-1925)
arr. W. Crawford
Sarabande (1960)
Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)
arr. J. Bell Arterton
Inspired By Nature
The Rose (1977)
Amanda McBroom (b. 1947)
arr. W. Crawford
To a Wild Rose (1896)
Edward MacDowell (1860-1908)
arr. M. Myhre
Followed By A Joyous Finale …
Campanella (for carillon, 1957)
Géo Clément (1922-1967)
And So To Bed.
Ar Hyd y Nos (All Through the Night, 19th c.)
Welsh Air
arr. Leen ‘t Hart
About the Preformer
Wylie Crawford is the Senior University Carillonneur at the University of Chicago, having served for 31 years as University Carillonneur. He is also the Resident Carillonneur for the Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe, IL (since 1986) and was the first City Carillonneur for the Millennium Carillon in Naperville, IL. In 2020, he became the President of the Venice Carillon Foundation, Inc. and inaugurated the Florida Carillon Festival in that year.
He is the Past President of the World Carillon Federation (www.carillon.org), a federation of 14 international associations that organizes conferences in countries with a carillon culture. Mr. Crawford served a record-breaking 11-year term as President, having served as WCF Treasurer from 1990 until 2006.
With a B.S. degree in Physics and a Master’s degree in teaching from the University of Chicago, Mr. Crawford is pleased to have initiated the first regular carillon instruction programs at four Chicago-area carillons. He supervised the 2007-2008 renovation of the 100-ton 72-bell University of Chicago carillon.
Mr. Crawford fulfilled the requirements of the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America (www.gcna.org) to become a certified Carillonneur in 1977. During his forty-seven year membership in the Guild, he served three years as its Vice President and forty years as Chair of the Guild’s Membership Committee. He continues as a member of its Nominations committee. He has given guest recitals in Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Sweden, and the U.S.