Comment on the Restoration and Preservation of Bok Tower Gardens
Bok Tower Gardens invites your comments on the Bok Olmsted Cultural Landscape Report (CLR). Supported in part by a Save America’s Treasures grant from the Historic Preservation Fund administered by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior, the CLR is the first step in a multimillion-dollar project to restore the historic landscape that is now known as Bok Tower Gardens.
Your comments will inform the completion of the CLR and shape the final project.
Access to the Bok Olmsted Cultural Landscape Report
Save Americas’ Treasures Grant- National Park Service Bok Tower Gardens Project Activities 2024
1. Restoration of Exedra fountain. A 1928 fountain and seating structure given by the local community to honor Edward Bok. Carved of pink Georgia marble with art deco designs. Exedra will be lifted and leveled and the stone patio paving and fountain restored.

Exedra will be lifted and leveled and the stone patio paving and fountain restored.
2. Restore the western sunset vista, a key feature of the historical Olmsted Garden. Volunteer trees, that block the vista, will be removed to restore the view.

Western vista from Iron Mountain through pristine longleaf pine sandhill in 1923.

Same western vista from Iron Mountain through overgrown longleaf pine sandhill in 2024. The restoration project will remove part of lower lawn and hardwood invasive trees and replant longleaf pines, native grasses and forbs restoring the sandhill habitat and the western vista.
3. Restore thirty-four acres, south and west of tower, back to native longleaf pine forest that were integral to the historic Olmsted design. The restoration includes weed plant removal and planting of native grasses, forbs, and trees to augment the extant longleaf ecosystem for the health of this imperiled habitat and the extensive gopher tortoise population currently there.

Longleaf forest overgrown with weeds harming the local gopher tortoise population.
4. Renovation of garden thickets that were part of the Olmsted design. These densely planted areas in the gardens were planted with native plants to create garden rooms and provide for bird and wildlife habitat. The renovation will involve removal of weed vegetation and a rejuvenation pruning of native shrubs.

Garden thicket area overgrown.

Garden thicket area after rejuvenation pruning.
5. The historic tree canopy will be assessed for health and remediation pruning done by certified arborist. Trees in decline to be removed for the health of canopy and safety of visitors.

Tree canopy in decline.

Tree canopy pruning needed for vistas.
6. Production of a Cultural Landscape Report detailing the history, design, character, changes, preservation, and restoration of the historic Olmsted gardens at Bok Tower Gardens. This report identifies the NPS grant funded projects.
About Bok Tower Gardens

Bok Tower Gardens, formerly known as Historic Bok Sanctuary, was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1993, having been determined by the Secretary of the Interior to be nationally significant in American history and culture. Today, Bok Tower Gardens is a haven for birds, animals and the human spirit. It blends the beauty of nature and the intrigue of history with an outstanding collection of musical, artistic and architectural masterpieces that enrich the hearts, minds and souls of all who visit. The Gardens features beautifully landscaped gardens, a bell tower with a 60-bell carillon and the charming seven and a half-acre historic home, El Retiro.
For more information, contact Bok Tower Gardens.
1151 Tower Blvd. Lake Wales, FL 33853
This material was produced with assistance from the Historic Preservation Fund administered by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior, under grant number P22AP02226-00. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior.