On your next visit, take a peek at the new and improved Tillandsia Wall, the Horticulture team recently refurbished.
The team painstakingly took each line down, removed each plant, cleaned-up and re-used those plants that were still in good shape, and saved the plants that have grown too large for future projects.
We added approximately 90 new Tillandsias that have been growing for the last year, including the following species:
Tillandsia filifolia, T. ionatha ‘Guatemalan Select’, T. ionatha ‘Honduras’, T. ionatha ‘Mexican Select’, T. ionatha ‘Rubra’, T. stricta
This project also included creating a new “cage” to hold the tillandsias upright, making the plant happier and healthier than growing upside down.
Here are a few fun facts about Tillandsias:
There are over 600 species of Tillandsia (maybe as many as 750), with significant diversity and size. Did you know that Spanish moss is a Tillandsia (Tillandsia usneoides)? Several species are native to Florida.
Tillandsias are part of the Bromeliad family and are commonly called “air plants.” They do not grow solely in the air; however, they have roots that attach themselves to other plants and even structures, and so are epiphytes. They obtain their moisture and nutrients through rain and moisture, which is absorbed through the trichomes on their leaves.
It is best to grow Tillandsias outdoors in Florida and allow rain and humidity to water these plants (supplementing during droughts). When caring for Tillandsias that are growing indoors, it’s best to soak the plants in water for 30 minutes to an hour to hydrate your plants fully. Shake off excess water. Too much moisture can cause them to rot. Rainwater, spring water, or reverse osmosis water are much better than tap water.
Tillandsias need good air circulation and plenty of indirect light.
You can buy Tillandsias in The Shop at Bok!
For more information, see: