New Online Access to Digital Collections

New to our website is direct access to our digital archives!  You will immediately be brought face to face with original items from our collections.  Currently, there are four groups of materials:  Digital Papers, which includes condolence correspondence to Mrs. Bok upon Mr. Bok’s death in 1930; Digital Photographs, which features construction images of the famous ‘Singing Tower;’ Digital Postcards, a collection of historic postcards spanning all aspects of Bok Tower Gardens’ history; and the Digital Carillon Collection, featuring images of bells, towers, and carillonneurs.  More digital collections will be added in the future.

Our digital archives are also keyword searchable. Descriptions and other information, called metadata, help to sort and locate all items that might be relevant to each search. Something fun and interesting to do is to “Browse All” and explore all the historical items in the collection.

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