Final Carillon Concerts of the Season

Geert D’hollander is winding down his first full season as carillonneur at Bok Tower Gardens this month. His last carillon concerts of the season can be heard this Friday, May 3 – Sunday 5 and Thursday, May 9 through Sunday, May 12 at 1 & 3 p.m.

Don’t forget we also have a special after-hours performance this Sunday in celebration of Cinco de Mayo, too!

In October 2012 Geert joined Bok Tower Gardens in the coveted position as the fourth carillonneur in the history of the Gardens. As an internationally acclaimed composer, performer and instructor, he has brought with him a passion for the carillon that has encouraged him to push the envelope during performances throughout his first season here at the Gardens.

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Since October, he has performed more than 250 concerts on the carillon. During these performances he has played more than 1,000 arrangements on the carillon along with many original compositions of his own.

This summer, Geert will be a traveling ambassador for Bok Tower Gardens during his time abroad. He will be attending carillon conferences, performing guest recitals, and teaching master classes. He will return to the Gardens later this summer and will resume scheduled performances on the carillon sometime in October.

Stay tuned right here to the blog to get updates from Geert as he checks in during his travels.